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Onboard Checkilist for New Hire

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Onboarding process should include a fine pre-decided plan  for an employee first day, week, month as on as per company to company.

Here are following the checklist to the managers for new employees in the organization.

According to a survey about the new hire checklist first day

4 %  of the new employees quit after a disastrous first day

22% of employees  turnover occurs in the first 45 days

41% more  1st year employees stay at companies with formal onboarding programmes

79% of business leaders surveyed informing as onboarding is urgent and important at the topmost  

Here is a checklist before the New employee's First day

  • Send the offer or welcome letter.
  • Notify unit personnel /payroll/benefits representative of hire.
  • Prepare the agenda for the first week.
  • Notify departmentally to IT, HR admin about new  hire employee
  • Make lunch plans for employees the first day. 
  • Identify employees with similar types of responsibilities to functions as new employees coach /mentor for work-related process and procedures.
  • Make an appointment with  the HR contact  for  the employee to complete new hire paperwork
  • Install appropriate hardware/software 
  • Ensure to provide temp  ID card, employee code    
Job Onboarding  for new employee first day 
  • Send the welcome onboard message or email to new employees 
  • Introduce employee with co-workers.
  • Schedule attendance at an orientation programme 
  • Order business card 
  • Introduce employee to work area, including 
  • phone usage 
  • Hr policies

Orient employee to the worksite 
  • coffee rooms 
  • Washrooms
  • photocopy machines
  • Fax machines
  • Supplies
  • canteen
  • transportation
  • break rooms
  • ATM's
  • Vending Machines
  • medical supplies 
  • emergency supplies
  • mail services
 Job onboarding process within the first two weeks

Introduce employee to the job

  • review job description
  • Discuss the supervisor's style and expectations.
  • Review performance goals and expectations.
  • identify the "Players" connected to the position. make the appointment with " Key players."
  • identify the "customers" served by this position; define customer service.
  • Discuss employee safety
  • Review standard meeting the employees needs to attend.
  • identify what training and development activities will be needed in the next six months. Sign up for the appropriate classes.
  • Meet weekly to complete orientation to work-related task and to ask/answer questions.
  • Set performance expectations and discuss how and when the employee will be evaluated.Provide feedback on a weekly basis
  • The meeting department head and executive team.
During the first 6 months on the Job

provide monthly feedback to the employee regarding his/her job performance, including a formal performance evaluation in the third month.

After 6 months on the Job 
  • Prepare format six-month employee evaluation
  • Celebrate the completion of the probationary period 


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